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Sunday, May 22, 2011


Looking back on my first initial ideas for this project I can see how it has changed. I began by using my fashion and community photography as a starting point. I initially wanted to take a series of images with a fashion style showing the fashions of today However, upon researching I found I was inspired by all the different subculture trends around at the moment.

A turning point in this project was looking at the work of other artist such as Patrick Demarchelier, Richard Avedon and Irving Penn.

I feel my strengths are with using different camera lens techniques and Contre Jour light for back lighting. However I feel on reflection that i would like to carry on my research into subculture as I feel I haven't cover a wider range than I would have liked.

Overall I have learnt that all the skills and knowledge I have learnt over the past two year have been invalueable in shaping my FMP.   I can see how all the units have linked together and I have used to my advantage the contacts made through my individual study and work based learning.

The Corset

Looking back at Victorian fashion and how cultural trends now use this style I noticed how fashion trends get repeated.

The corset is an example of how Victorian fashion is incorporated into contemporary styles such as Goth , Punk and Emo. It was worn under layers of clothes and is now a fashion trend that is worn on the outside.   Its been tweaked and customize in edgy ways to personalise and use fashion as a way of self expression.

Tattoos Photoshoot

I asked people who have tattoos why they had them what do they mean?

 This is a contact sheet from a photo shoot i had with a man named Spike.  He had tattoos all over his body and most were inspired by his love of films.

Investigating why people have tattoos I found that they have different meanings behind why they have them.

The tattoos on these two picture say Super Moras.   This is the motto on the Bolton councils coat of arms.
The elephant stands on moorland to suggest the towns old name "Bolton-super-Moras" or "Bolton on the Moors"

The reason this man had this tattooed on him was because his Dad is the Mayor of Bolton.

The tattoos on this man arms are the names of his children