Blogger Backgrounds

Sunday, May 22, 2011


Looking back on my first initial ideas for this project I can see how it has changed. I began by using my fashion and community photography as a starting point. I initially wanted to take a series of images with a fashion style showing the fashions of today However, upon researching I found I was inspired by all the different subculture trends around at the moment.

A turning point in this project was looking at the work of other artist such as Patrick Demarchelier, Richard Avedon and Irving Penn.

I feel my strengths are with using different camera lens techniques and Contre Jour light for back lighting. However I feel on reflection that i would like to carry on my research into subculture as I feel I haven't cover a wider range than I would have liked.

Overall I have learnt that all the skills and knowledge I have learnt over the past two year have been invalueable in shaping my FMP.   I can see how all the units have linked together and I have used to my advantage the contacts made through my individual study and work based learning.